
2 minute read

This is the year that taught so many things for me love, learn, anger, dissapointment, grow and how to embrace all of this things.

I haven’t finished Anna Karerina, but the famous opening sentence keep echoing in my head. The story will not that kind of sad, not really i hope.

Without alarm, i hurt pretty bad at the begining of the year.

Not everyone fault, because it was my mess. I become to comfortable, thus not being able to use your perspective i become careless. You taugh me, it will hurt more once you realize its gone. if its hurt then it is important. One thing I know is that I would never wish it to happen to anyone. But if it does, I hope they get the help they would need to get through it.

Rainbow after the storm.

Yes rainbow is beautifull, I get the most excitement feeling that i forget its exist in me. Everything i pray and hope its getting closer to me. It was beautifull, i learn to break the wall that i built for my self. Just to know you, turns out i got the feedback. We become more close than ever.

The more you know me, the more you have to bear myself. I realize i am not good person, i learn to be better. Another special part of this year is rediscovering felling and love is beautifull things, but the bigger love the scarier it gets.


Like armagedon, they’re comming in many shape and it fast. The only hope its only our atmotsfer, does it can protect us?

The morning call just it need to tear my anger and dissapointment to the only man i know since little. I dont understand what brings you to those path, someday i want to know. Once that happened, came this long and deafening quiet where I was left alone with myself, thingking at the sight of an almost completely new person. Something told me somebodt had gone through a war and came back stronger. I could sense that his emotional container expanded, reaching new depths capable of understanding and empathizing better—more so a gentler heart that forgives fully.

And meteor by meteor hits the atmosfer.


In middle of the year, i continue my study. not in the near place with home, quite far actually. Just like other journey you will meet new person along the road. and I learn not to overcomplexity things.

A new hope

Opening myself up to new friendships has been one of the most rewarding things this year; met a few souls whom I will treasure for a really long time (if not life). The kind that inspires you, that will stick around during bad times (including when you fall sick), that made you grateful it happened instead of fearing that it won’t last forever.

Writing this is a conscious effort to remind myself that this year has been that everything should happend for reason, and i will learn to be better version of me.
