Does eating terangbulan makes you happy?

1 minute read

After almost spend a day with the work and stuff my head spinning and my stomach is empty, i coming down from 2nd floor to dining room where mother wait for prayer time. i look upon table and found terang bulan and ate it, and this moment callback everytime i ate martabak i find happiness or at least i never ate terangbulan and dont feel unhappy after, maybe the scene or something with this food idk.

There are many source of happiness, if you googled it there will be about 1,270,000,000 results. but recently only 4 interest me so far

  1. Sleep like baby. Don’t sleep away this night my baby.. this only lyrics. but the truth is good sleep leads to better mood.

  2. Good companion. you named it food, friends, pets, relatives, or maybe someone to talk to.

  3. Things. the best thing in life are not things, though i still figured out this point. we people, will not remember the material we collected to fill up our live

Oh and i forget little thing called love

we accept the love we think we deserve

this quote from the perks of being wallflower was used to explain a complicated yet common phenomenon. **How we allow our better halfs to treat us is a reflection of the treatment we think we deserve. **Aside from the quote, finding love to complete or reach happiness is normal. We dont talk only about affection, because i think all love maybe equals but love from parent to children is eternal. The point is as long someone treated with love or find love they deserve thus they will give another people love too

p.s Terangbulan tasted better than Martabak. and i dont know why


