Posts by Category


Twelve Principles Agile

less than 1 minute read

Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software.

Bank Marketing Data Set Classification

9 minute read

The aim of this projects is to explain how machine learning can help in a bank marketing campaign.The goal of our classifier is to predict using the logistic...

Setup Google Analytics Jekyll

1 minute read

If you own website/blog/portfolio site or anything that can be access in url and you want to track the traffic google this article maybe can help you.

Unblock Reddit IOS

1 minute read

In my country the ISP block reddit. There are many ways to unblock Reddit especially for IOS, but so far this is my favorite setup.

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How to Think More About Sex

less than 1 minute read

⛰ What It’s About The book designed to help us navigate the intimate and exciting—yet often confusing and difficult—experience that is sex. Few of us tend to...

Libby App

1 minute read

Jika di Indonesia ada Perpusnas, maka di Amerika punya Libby app. Di artikel ini saya akan coba membahas Libby app meliputi : kegunaan, kekurangan, kelebihan...

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2 minute read

Saban hari, tepatnya tanggal 9 Juni saya mendapat vaksin pertama AZ (AstraZeneca). Artikel ini akan sedikit membahas efek dan pengalaman penulis (menyenangka...

Does eating terangbulan makes you happy?

1 minute read

After almost spend a day with the work and stuff my head spinning and my stomach is empty, i coming down from 2nd floor to dining room where mother wait for ...

Apapun Selain New Normal

1 minute read

Halo, setelah dua tahun jeda akhirnya bisa kembali menulis. Banyak yang terjadi selama dua tahun, mengingat itu bukan waktu yang sebentar namun bukan waktu y...


1 minute read

Bandung 24 November, 2017

#Agak Tergairah

1 minute read

Dari skala satu sampai sepuluh saat ini semangat saya dua puluh satu

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Apa Itu Project Scope

1 minute read

Definisi harfiah dari Project Mangement, dikutip dari Project Management Insitute “pengaplikaian dari pengetauan, skil, alat dan teknik yang digunakan untuk ...

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Sumatera Barat

1 minute read

``` Artikel ini dibuat untuk mengobati rindu akan travelling, semua kalimat dan paragraf murni dari ingatan penulis yang terbatas.

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