A Gift

3 minute read

This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this book are either the produc...

Exploring the features of Simply Jekyll

12 minute read

Essentiality is the heart of any good software, and this theme is designed to ensure that I don’t add things that I won’t use on a daily basis or not have th...

How to Think More About Sex

less than 1 minute read

⛰ What It’s About The book designed to help us navigate the intimate and exciting—yet often confusing and difficult—experience that is sex. Few of us tend to...


2 minute read

Saban hari, tepatnya tanggal 9 Juni saya mendapat vaksin pertama AZ (AstraZeneca). Artikel ini akan sedikit membahas efek dan pengalaman penulis (menyenangka...